A Billion-Dollar Sales Idea Finally Comes to Wine Country

A Billion-Dollar sales Idea Comes to Wine Country
Offering 1-Click Shopping to Wine Club Members

It’s usually welcome news when wine club members order their favorite wines by calling the tasting room or sending an email that says, “put it on my tab.”

So, wouldn’t it be nice to receive these messages more frequently?

That’s what some enterprising digital wine marketers are already doing, using a billion-dollar sales tactic pioneered by Amazon and made possible by an obscure computer command that transforms ordinary web links into powerful wine sales emails.


Many computer users have seen links inviting readers to send an email to one person or another. This capability is powered by a unique type of link called a “mailto link.”

When customers click on a mailto link embedded in your email marketing, your customer’s email editor will open automatically to send a message to any address you want.

And here’s the fun part, you can also suggest the subject line and the text used when your customers send their orders via email.  In theory, a single link sent to all club members could generate a order message that looks like the message above.

St. Francis Winery’s one-click shopping feature makes it easy for wine club members to order.

You can see this technique in practice by subscribing to the mailing lists of successful wine marketers like St. Francis Winery & Vineyards.

One ingenious element offers one-click shopping to wine club members using expertly crafted mailto links.

If your winery has a membership program and wants to profit from one-click shopping, all you need to do is write an email and copy a link you can use in your next campaign.

Using a free tool like https://mailtolink.me/, you don’t need to worry about computer code as long as you know how to use ordinary web links in your marketing emails.

To use this tool, enter the email address your customers should contact about ordering more wine, enter an email subject line and suggested text, then click on “Copy Code” to generate your personalized link.

If you use mailto links in your next email marketing campaign, you’ll see for yourself how many more wine club members purchase when you borrow a page from Jeff Bezos and make it easy for your best customers to say, “put in on my tab!”

Happy Selling!