It’s easy to marvel at the new digital marketing tools available to DTC wineries in 2020.
From gauzy Instagram posts to virtual tastings and viral tweets, new digital marketing tactics have blossomed in the vineyards. But back in the sales office, it turns out that most of the heavy-lifting done by digital marketing is still performed by a relatively old technology.
In 2020, email marketing still reigns supreme when it comes to generating online wine sales.
According to the latest research on digital marketing, DTC wineries and wine consumers both rely on email for online wine commerce.
The average winery according to the latest VinQuest research has 5952 email subscribers, 60% more than their list of social media fans.
Wine consumers have also voted for email marketing with their clicks and purchases. Research published by WordStream shows that 77% of consumers would rather receive marketing promotions through email compared to the 17% that prefer social media.
Perhaps that’s why among all digital marketing, the results generated by email rank well ahead of social media in the latest national survey of wineries.
So next time you hear that email marketing is dead, I encourage you recall the words of Mark Twain:
“The report of my death was an exaggeration.”
In the meantime, I hope you enjoy selling wine using the power of modern email marketing!